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Easy Fax Delivery & Control For Developers

Control Switches:

Please note this section is meant for developers setting up an Application or Web to Fax.

If you require an overview of where these controls are used, please review the introduction to the Programmer's Guide

If you need help and you are not technical, please have your developer consult this page or contact VisionLab .

How can I customize my messages?

There are many control switches available to fine tune or control the way the fax is delivered and displayed. Some of these options are available only for certain file types. Here is a partial list of them, so if you don't see what you need... please ask us:

Customer Supplied Tracing Reference (TR)

Customer Supplied Tracing Reference allows you to send several Web to Fax messages with one tracing number. This allows you to trace a batch of messages where x (up to 9 digits) is the reference number: ##tr=x

Note: In the near future we will be able to provide summary reports based on the tracing number.

Dial Attempts (Dial)

VisionLab's system attempts to dial the destination number up to 5 times by default. This is useful if the receiver's fax machine is busy or temporarily unavailable. If you would like VisionLab's system to make more (or fewer) than 5 dial attempts, type the following code after your Subject header: ##dial=x (where x is the number of dial attempts).

Document Title (DT) (HTML file type only)

Document Title will place the first 25 characters of the subject on the lower left of each page: ##dt

Font Style (Font) (Only for plain text in the body or attachment)

Whenever plain "text" e-mail is submitted, it is converted to the default font type (Helvetica) before it is sent out as a fax document. The same font is applied to all text content both in the body or attachment for the individual e-mail message. To use an alternate font, select from the current types that are available and replace x with the number that corresponds to the desired font type: ##font=x

The font numbers correspond to the following fonts:

  1. Helvetica
  2. Courier
  3. Times
  4. Avant-Garde-Book
  5. Bookman-Demi
  6. NewCentury
  7. Palatino

High Resolution Images (HiRes)

If you are sending an attachment with detailed graphics, fine print, or small fonts, you may wish to send the document using higher or "FINE" fax resolution (200x200 lpi). To do so type the following code after your subject header: ##hires

Note: High resolution increases the time it takes to transmit your Application/Web to Fax message.

New Page Text (NPT) (Plain text files only)

New Page Text is similar to a page break but for text attachments. It prints each attachment on a new page: ##npt

No Cover Page (NCP) / No Header (NoHeader)

These two options control what is displayed on the cover page of the fax. By default a cover page is generated from the information in the e-mail header and any text in the body of the e-mail message. The No Cover Page option completely removes this page: ##ncp

The No Header option creates a cover page with only the text of the body of the message: ##noheader

Note: If the text of the body of the message can be interpreted as HTML then the No Cover Page option is automatically turned on.

Page Break For Text (PBT)

You can define the number of lines per page for both the body of the mail and the attachments. The default is set to 70: ##pbt=xx (xx stands for lines per page)

Page Numbering (PN) (HTML file type only)

Page Numbering will place the page number on the bottom center of each page: ##pn

Preview (PV)

The Preview option is a developer tool for testing the result of an Application/Web to Fax message (WYSIWYG). It will send an e-mail directly back to the sender's e-mail address with TIFF-F file (fax image format) attachments. Each TIFF-F file attached to the return e-mail is one page of the fax that would normally be delivered. As this option is used exclusively for testing, any delivery to a fax number using a preview test e-mail will be blocked: ##pv

Private CC: List (Priv)

If you want to send an Web to Fax to several people without anyone seeing your CC: list, just type the following code after your subject header: ##priv

Transmission Attempts (Try)

If the system makes a successful fax connection but a transmission error occurs, it will make another transmission attempt. The system makes up to 3 transmission attempts by default. This is useful if the receiving fax machine suffers from noisy lines or has problems sustaining a fax connection. If you would like VisionLab's system to make more (or fewer) than 3 transmission attempts, for x attempts type the following code after your Subject header: ##try=x

Word-Wrap & Characters per line (Wrap) (Only for plain text in the body or attachment)

Wrap the body (text only) of the e-mail at the given number of characters per line. The wrapping function will not split the last word of the line if it's too long, it will move the last word to the next line. Please note that if a "carriage return" & "line-feed" are already present in the original text file, they are conserved, so please verify your output if you are using formatted text with embedded new lines. To set the wrap at x characters, the format is: ##wrap=x

Combining Multiple options

You can use multiple options on one message. Here is an example of the contents of a subject line:

Meeting announcement ##pn,dt,tr=1501234

This would cause a page number to be printed as well as the subject and these messages would be associated with the tracing number 1501234.

Got more questions? Contact us to find the best fax solution

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